WELCA monthly women's Bible study
The monthly women’s Bible study is Wed Oct 9th at 1:30 pm in classroom A. We continue a 3 session series from the Gather Magazine called “Receiving grace: A study of Ephesians”, written by Rev. Heidi Haverkamp.
Series Intro: In the gospels, Jesus never offers a definition or even uses the word ‘Grace’. It is Paul who brought the term “grace” into Christian life and thought. We are going to study Ephesians to try to wrap our heads around what grace means to Paul, and how we might receive grace as God’s gift in our daily lives.
Session 2: Grace-filled living—ancient and new
What did the writer of Ephesians imagine grace would look like in Christian life and relationships? How can we live from grace in our own time, reading this letter through our cultural lenses and experiences?
The author video introduction to series is available on the WELCA YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GXX2ytyVlw
New attendees are welcomed!
Janis Richert, facilitator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..