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WELCA monthly women's Bible study


The monthly women’s Bible study is Wed Aug 14th at 1:30 pm in classroom A. We conclude a 3 session series from the Gather Magazine called “After Certainty: A biblical guide’. The author, is Rev. Dr. Meghan Jerusalem for 5 years, and in June was elected Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA! It is a joy and privilege to have this opportunity for our study this summer. 

Series Intro:  Join us to explore God’s invitation to the people of the Bible and to us, to take the holy journey beyond certainty to curiosity, community and compassion, where we find abundant life in Christ.

Session 3: Certainty: Compassion
When certainty becomes judgmentalism, it contributes to divisions between people and within communities. The teachings of Jesus and the pastoral writings of the apostle Paul sometimes urge people to choose compassion over correctness—a model that can offer Christians guidance in a polarized time.

New attendees are welcomed!

Janis Richert, facilitator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
